금년도 세계은행 YPP(Young Professional Program) 응시 절차가 아래 메일과 같이 개시되었습니다 (6.14~7.28).
응시할 수 있는 링크는 다음과 같습니다.
아울러, 아래 메일에 보면, 여기 미국 동부시간 기준으로 6.22일 오전 9시(따라서, 우리나라 시간 기준으로는 6.23일 오후 10시)에 WB YPP Facebook Live Chat(여기 H R사람들과 최근에 채용된 YPP 등이 참석)이 진행된다고 합니다. 자세한 내용 아래 메일 참조해 주세요.
We are glad to announce that the World Bank Young Professionals Program is open for applications from June 14 – July 28, 2017.
WB Young Professionals Program opened for application on June 14th
The Young Professionals Program is a premier global recruitment program and is a unique opportunity for exceptionally talented young people with a passion for international development to contribute to solving some of the world’s most pressing problems. The following are the minimum requirements to be eligible for the Young Professionals Program:
• Citizenship of a member country of the World Bank Group
• Be born on or after October 1, 1985
• A PhD or Master’s degree and relevant work experience
• Fluency in English
• Full proficiency in one or more of the WBG’s working languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish is desired but not required
• Specialization in a field relevant to the WBG Technical/Operations such as economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences, engineering, urban planning, agriculture, natural resources, and others
• At least three years of relevant professional experience related to development or continued academic study at the doctoral level.
We would also like to invite you to the upcoming WBG Facebook Live Chat where we will be discussing the YPP. WB Young Professionals Program Facebook Live Chat!
We will have a WB YPP Facebook Live Chat on June 22, 2017 at 9:00 am (EST) with representatives of HR and some recently-hired Young Professionals. We will respond questions about this program live. Join us! For More information or to sign up go to http://live.worldbank.org/ypp-live-chat-2017
Best regards,
HRD Talent Acquisition
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