Princeton Club of Korea New Year’s Dinner ’24

Dear Tigers,

As we look forward to 2024, we are excited to invite you to the PCK New Year’s Dinner, an evening of celebration and merriment with fellow Princetonians in Korea.

Date:  Saturday, January 6th, 2024

Time:  6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Venue:  Best Western Premier Gangnam Hotel, Diamond Hall 

베스트웨스턴 프리미어 강남 호텔, 다이아몬드 홀

(Bongeunsa-ro 139, Gangnam-gu  |  강남구 봉은사로 139)

This event is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new Princeton acquaintances. Whether you are a graduate or undergraduate alumnus or a current student, your presence will make the evening special.

The cost for the dinner is KRW 80,000 per person for alumni and free for all current students. 

We have also reserved a nearby bar space, starting at 9:00 pm, for those who wish to engage more with other alums and students. We are collecting KRW 20,000 per person to cover the cost of initial drinks there.

Please be sure to RSVP through the following link, and deposit your payment (KRW 80,000 for dinner only or KRW 100,000 for dinner & bar space) to the account below, by December 21, 2023.


Deposit:  Kakao Bank, Account No. 7979-76-33366 (조성민)

We look forward to seeing you at the dinner.  In the meantime, our best wishes to you for a joyful holiday season!

Warm regards,

Princeton Club of Korea


PCK Membership & Email List 

If you have not already done so, please fill out the form below to update your information as a PCK member. All new members should also fill out the form to make sure to be included within the email list. 

PCK Membership Form :

If you know of anyone that we might have missed, please share the above form with them as well

Invitation from The Korea Society

Dear Korean American Students Association of Princeton University, 

On behalf of The Korea Society, I’m excited to invite the members of your organization to our office location in midtown Manhattan for two of our upcoming in-person programs. 

Firstly, on Thursday, November 30th at 6:30pm, we will be hosting the Senior Vice President of Kakao Mobility, Dr. Christopher Chang, for a conversation about his career journey and industry insights. Kakao Mobility is the mobility subsidiary of South Korea’s tech giant Kakao Corp. and operator of the Kakao T app, which currently presides over 80% of the taxi-hailing market in South Korea. As part of our Young Professionals’ Network series, the goal of this program is to inspire and offer value to emerging professionals’ interested in a wide range of fields. 

Next, on Monday, December 4th at 6:00pm, The Korea Society is launching our inaugural program for a new series, entitled Startup Scene: Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow, which aims to empower startup entrepreneurs by providing knowledge, strategy insights, and networking opportunities. The first program will feature Mr. Saeju Jeong, the co-founder and former CEO of Noom. Since the establishment of their weight loss app, Noom, a consumer-led digital health company that helps people live healthier and happier lives, has disrupted the weight loss industry, achieving a valuation of  $3.7 billion and benefiting over 50 million people with their health and diet. 

The format of both of these programs will include a moderated discussion with the guest speaker, after which audience members are invited to ask questions and enjoy a brief post-program networking session, with light refreshments provided. We encourage you to share this information with any and all who may be interested. 

Please find the registration links below. 

If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Hwang, Development Program Associate, at

All best,

Stephanie Hwang | Development Program Associate
The Korea Society | 350 Madison Ave. | 24th Fl. | NYC | 10017
Tel: 212-759-7525 | Direct: 212-759-7611 |

[Song Law Firm] 이민법 온라인 세미나

저희는 뉴욕/뉴저지 본사를 기반으로 미국 주요 도시외에도 한국과 중국에 지사를 운영중인 송동호 종합로펌입니다.

세미나는 저희 로펌의 대표변호사이신 송동호 대표변호사님께서 진행하실 예정이며, Princeton University 학생회 여러분들께서 궁금해하실 만한 취업 비자 및 영주권 절차 (F1 비자 OPT, STEM OPT, H1B, EB2 NIW) 등에 대해 다룰 예정입니다. 그 외에도 저희가 다양한 분야를 다루고 있는 종합 로펌인 바,  궁금하신 분야에 대해 미리 알려주신다면 저희가 세미나 때 답변 드릴 수 있도록 준비해드리겠습니다.

세미나는 Zoom 으로 진행되어 학생분들께서 어디서든 편하게 참여하실 수 있으시며 일반적으로 총 60분간의 진행으로 40분의 설명과 20분 정도의 Q&A 시간으로 구성되어 있습니다. 세미나에 참석하시는 프린스턴 분들께는 업무 계약시 수임료 10% 할인 혜택을 드리니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

-일시 : 9월 29일 금요일 5-6 pm

-Zoom meeting ID : 805 914 9671

-Zoom meeting passcode : 689040

저희 로펌의 업무 분야는 웹페이지 (에서 확인하실 수 있으며, 참고하실 만한 칼럼 리스트를 아래에 함께 보내 드립니다. 

[이민법 칼럼] 

2024 회계연도 (FY) H-1B 사전 등록 일정 발표 :

F-1 비자 OPT (Optional Practical Training) 프로그램에 대해 샅샅이 알려드립니다 :

[H-1B] 2022 년도 H-1B 전공별 성공 전략: 디자인 전공자 :

KITEE-FELIX Startup Hackathon 2023

Korean-American Innovative Technology Engineers and Entrepreneurs (이하 KITEE) 에서 스타트업 해커톤을 주최하게 되었습니다.

본 해커톤의 목적은 주어진 토픽 (ex. AI) 에 대해서 24시간 내에 스타트업을 만들 수 있는 아이디어를 빌드업 하고 피칭까지 해볼 수 있는 소위 모의 스타트업 준비라고 할 수 있습니다. 5-6개의 팀을 만들어 24시간 동안 멘토들에게 조언을 받으며 아이디어를 구상해나갑니다. 혼자가 아닌 팀 멤버와 함께 진행하기 때문에 창업 아이디어를 구상해나가는 과정 뿐만 아니라 네트워킹, 소통, 협업성을 증진시키기에도 좋은 자리입니다.

마지막 날 스타트업 피칭 대회는 Shark tank 형식으로 진행됩니다. 각 팀들이 자신의 사업 아이템을 들고 나와 피칭을 하면 ‘샤크’라 불리는 심사위원들이 투자하는 형식입니다. 가장 잘 피칭한 팀 셋은 수상을 하게 되며, 아이템의 잠재가치와 가능성에 따라 실제로 스타트업 창업 지원까지 받으실 수 있습니다.

위 설명을 토대로 본 행사에서는 다음과 같은 분들의 참여를 적극적으로 장려하고 있습니다.

– 현재 창업을 준비 중이신 분들

– 창업 아이디어는 있으나 어디서부터 시작해야할지 모르시는 분들

– 창업 아이디어를 구상해보고 싶으신 분들

– 창업에 대한 진로에 대해 알아보고 싶으신 분들

– 창업 관련 네트워킹을 하고 싶으신 분들

본 행사는 4월 27일 ~ 29일, 2박 3일 동안 뉴저지 Hasbrouck Heights 에서 진행됩니다. 

마지막으로 KITEE는 한국과 미국에서 활동하는 한인/재미교포 분들의 창업에 대한 적극적인 지원을 하는 협회입니다. 꼭 본 행사가 아니더라도 추후 스타트업에 대해 관심 있으신 분들은

로 들어가시면 다양한 창업 관련 행사와 멤버십 활동에 대한 정보를 얻으실 수 있습니다. 행사를 포함하여 문의사항이 있다면 또는 으로 문의 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

KITEE-FELIX Startup Hackathon

Apr 27-Apr 29, 2023 | Holiday Inn Hasbrouck Heights-Meadowlands, NJ

Apply Now (Early Application Deadline: March 31)

KITEE and FELIX are hosting the 2nd KITEE-FELIX Startup Hackathon (KF Hackathon) on April 27~29, 2023. The KF Hackathon is a No-code Idea-thon that allows the participants to network and experience the startup pitching process.  The mentors and organizers will be actively involved through workshops, providing feedback to help harden the startup ideas and prepare for an IR deck and pitching. Although we will select three winners for small cash prizes, consider this as a networking event rather than a competition.

This is an in-person event. Physical presence is required.


Anyone interested in startups can apply while the focus is on the young generation under 35 years old. Those who are working at a funded startup can also participate, but should not use ideas from the startup.


Registration fee for KSEA/KITEE members is $50 if you register early by March 31, 2023 (after a $50 discount for KSEA/KITEE members and an early application discount of $50). This will cover 2-night lodging, meals, and refreshments throughout the event, and some of the travel costs if you travel from far away (conditions apply).

Due to the limited budget and the large size of support per person, we will close the registration when the number of participants reaches 24, but no earlier than March 31.

Schedule – April 27, Thursday – 5:30pm ~ 11:59pm: check-in, dinner, networking, Hackathon sessions

April 28, Friday – 8:00am ~ 11:59pm: Hackathon sessions, having three meals and snacks

April 29, Saturday – 8:00am ~ 8:00pm: pitching, award ceremony, dinner networking at the KSEA Northeast Regional Conference (NRC 2023)

Note: The pitch competition and the award ceremony of the KF Hackathon will be part of NRC 2023 that will be held at Montclair State University on April 29. Registration and participation at NRC 2023 is highly encouraged.

Travel Support
– $100 for those who are flying to NJ- For those traveling from far, carpooling or taking Uber/Lyft is recommended. Up to $100 will be 

reimbursed based on the distance and the number of participants for the vehicle.

– Some portions of travel expenses that are not reimbursed by the KF Hackathon may be reimbursed by NRC 2023.

COVID-19The participants are strongly recommended to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to protect the health and safety of all attendees. 
Apply Now to have fun together! 
Questions? Please send an email to

KITEE-FELIX Startup Hackathon Committee

Kyeong Ho Yang, Chair

Nathan Byun, Chair


KITEE EventKITEE – Korean-American Innovative Technology Engineers and Entrepreneurs

KSEA-NJ Year End Party (12/9/2022) – RSVP Required!

Dear KSEA-NJ Members and Friends,

You are cordially invited to the KSEA-NJ Year End Party at Rutgers Busch Student Center 122ABC (Address: 604 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854) on Friday, December 9 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Join us for dinner, wine, and fun activities, including a talk on personal finance/investment (TBD). Feel free to bring your significant other. Party registration is FREE to current and new KSEA-NJ members. You can become a member at or at the event as well. Please RSVP by Monday, December 5, 2022. Please mark your calendar! More details on parking, guest speaker, etc. will follow later. 

Should you have any questions, please contact

We look forward to networking with you at the KSEA-NJ Year End Party!

KSEA NJ Chapter 

KSEA-NJ Career Development Seminar (11/8/2022) – RSVP Now!

Dear KSEA-NJ Members and Friends,

Hope this email finds you well. We had a great turnout for our Fall Family Picnic, which was hosted at Donaldson Park on October 8, 2022. Please find the attached article reporting this event with some nice photos!

KSEA-NJ Career Development Seminar on 11/8/2022: RSVP Now!

  • Please join us for our fall seminar on How to Grow in Your Career (슬기로운 직장생활). This event will be entirely virtual and occur on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, from 8 PM to 10 PM (ET). Please RSVP NOW and find a Webex meeting link to join the seminar. 
  • Career Development Seminar from 8 PM to 9 PM: We will hear from the following two speakers who have managed successful career growth in the science and engineering fields, which will be followed by Q&A:
  • Kooksang Moon, Ph.D., Vice President at J.P. Morgan
  • Hai-Young Kim, Ph.D., Senior Principal Scientist & Group Leader at Pfizer
  • Networking Session from 9 PM to 10 PM: In the following one-hour networking session, CP Kim will provide information and the benefits of the KSEA membership, which will be followed by virtual networking in a smaller group setting.
  • $25 Meal Support: We will support the meeting meals for KSEA-NJ paid members, including new members, up to $25.00. See below for details.  Please order your meal on the same day the meeting is held (November 8), and submit the actual meal receipt to claim the meal support. No alcoholic beverage purchases are permitted. More details on how to submit your meal receipt and get reimbursed will be announced at the meeting! 

KSEA-NJ Chapter Membership: RENEW/JOIN Now!

  • If you haven’t, please renew and/or join our chapter, so you can be on our mailing list for future local events! Thanks always for your support of our chapter!

December End-of-Year Party: Take a SURVEY Now!

  • The purpose of this survey is to find a date for us to plan KSEA-NJ End-of-Year Party. Please indicate which days work for you. The tentative location of this gathering is Rutgers University (or a nearby restaurant).

Local Small Gathering (minimum 3 paid/new members)

  • We’d love to financially support local gatherings of our members (minimum 3 paid/new members)! We will support up to $10 per KSEA-NJ paid member. If more than 1/3 of the gathering consists of new members, we will boost our financial support to $25 per KSEA-NJ paid member of that gathering!
  • For reimbursement, you need to submit a photo, a receipt, and the names/emails of paid members at the gathering. 

We are looking forward to seeing you soon at the Fall Seminar on November 8!


Hyojin Kim

KSEA-NJ Chapter President

KSEA-NJ Family Fall Picnic on Oct. 8

Dear KSEA-NJ Members and Friends,

You and your family are cordially invited to the KSEA-NJ Family Fall Picnic at Donaldson Park, Picnic Grove 1 (Address: 699 South 3rd Avenue, Highland Park, NJ) on October 8th, Saturday, from 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

We will provide a BBQ lunch at noon. You will enjoy:

  • Picnic place with a large shelter for 60,
  • Park playground
  • BBQ and drinks
  • Chat with friends and family members
  • Raffles

Please RSVP by Sunday, October 2nd. Picnic registration is FREE to KSEA-NJ members and their families. You can become a member at the picnic as well.

Should you have any questions, please contact

We look forward to networking with you at the family BBQ party!

KSEA NJ Chapter

** We will reimburse your UBER fees if you can carpool with other people.

KSEA-NJ Family Summer BBQ Dinner Party on June 10

Dear KSEA-NJ members and friends,

We hope all is well with you and your family. With this email, we invite you and your loved ones to the KSEA-NJ Family Summer BBQ Party that will be held:
at the beautiful Thompson Park, Grove 4B, Monroe, NJ,on June 10, 2022, Friday, 4:30 PM ~ 7:30 PM(Lunch and drinks will also be provided at 1:00 PM to families who come early. You may say accordingly in your RSVP.) 
The Thompson Park is beautiful and you will enjoy:- Manalapan Lake- Thompson Park Zoo- Park Playground- Large Shelter for 100- Volleyball- BBQ, Drinks, Beer- Chat with Friends!

All will be provided FREE, but RSVP Is Required By June 7 @

Notes:1. Park Address: 1 Thompson Drive, Monroe, NJ, 088312. You may enter “Thompson Park Zoo in Monroe Township” at Google Maps for the direction to the party place.3. See the attached flyer and share it with your KSEA NJ friends to encourage them to join us!
Hope to see you and your family at the party.

KSEA NJ Chapter
